Friday, 17 February 2017

How to make a moon shape in Adobe Illustrator (for beginners)

Using the pathfinder tool, we can make the perfect moon shape in a few easy steps.

First, locate the Pathfinder tool. [Window > Pathfinder]

it should look like this:

I'm going to take two circles, one slightly larger than the other and place one on to of the other until it resembles a moon shape from the overlap:

(I drag the green over the pink)

Then click the second button on the pathfinder toolbox:

Resulting in this: 

Enjoy! You can play around with the circle shape, placement and size to get different desired moons. Gradients also look nice with this shape when executed properly.

How to change the Radius of the Rounded Rectangle Tool - Adobe Illustrator CS6 (Change how curved the corners are)

Having difficulties changing how round your corners look on your rounded rectangle in Illustrator? Look No Further

Hold down the shape button to reveal the menu and select Rounded Rectangle Tool

If you click once after selecting the tool, a toolbox will appear.
The third one down changes the corner radius manually.
The better way to do this is actually with the up and down directional keys on your keyboard whilst you draw the shape. You can do it live on the art-board and see how rounded you would like the corners.

Tip: Remember to hold down shift while drawing your box to have equal length sides.